a poetry collaborative project with Rachel de Cuba
2022 - ongoing
dye-sublimated print on nylon
To Be A Bay is a narrative series that looks at the rise in sea levels over the span of the next century specific to the Tampa Bay area. The concrete lines of the archival maps from the 90's are softened by the printing on fabric and dilute perceptions of control over Nature. The use of cyan as the primary representation of water calls forth a digital prediciton that reflects contemporary lived experience mediated through technology. The activation of the sea breath on the fabric reminds us that the bay is a living thing that hum_ns live among.
39°10'03.6"N 86°32'00.2"W
This project was curated by ArtHere. I was interested in drawing attention to the often overlooked local ecology as a food source. The warped perspectives of importing fish from the Pacific and Atlantic as well as the Gulf of Mexico to the Midwest, is a troublesome practice of the anthropocene that may need rethinking. The fish in the local ecology of southern Indiana, like crawfish, catfish, blue gills, and bass are missing from local restaurants and markets. There are portions of the local population that continue to sustain themselves through fishing, and I want to raise the question to new populations that overlook this local food source.
During the duration of this piece, I was made aware of a reddit post that asked for more information of this project. I decided to use this opportunity to share information with people about issues regarding both local and invasive marine species.Explore the subreddit
water fountains, gold frame, photographs of Monroe Reservoir
Reservoir.Fountain.Lake is a public intervention//integration–reestablishing daily connections between communities and their local water resources.
39°10'09.2"N 86°31'10.0"W
39°10'09.5"N 86°31'07.5"W
39°10'10.8"N 86°31'07.3"W
39°10'07.2"N 86°31'02.5"W
39°10'26.2"N 86°31'19.7"W
39°10'25.5"N 86°31'17.2"W
39°09'56.7"N 86°32'00.2"W
39°10'14.4"N 86°31'38.3"W
39°10'15.0"N 86°31'38.6"W
39°10'15.5"N 86°30'59.3"W
Documentation of driving performance during the pandemic’s initial stay at home orders
tailgate window, window paint, lyrics from Honk If You’re Lonely by David Berman.
2020 / ongoing (occasionally installed and performed)
documentation of performance at ArtBBQ LA in Indianapolis
participatory installation and performance,
two channel-video
collaboration with Rachel de Cuba
soil, clay, gaillardia pulchella seeds
29°53'52.2"N 81°18'41.5"W
On going
A collaborative action with Rachel de Cuba, every spring we have been placing seeds of Indian Blanket within the moat, around the perimeter of the Castillo de San Marcos, over time reintroducing this native plant and it's folklore to the site.
40 found A Pocket Guide to Indiana SPORT FISH Identification pamphlets , 40 tales
4" x 7"
2015 - Ongoing
Collecting people's fishing stories and documenting their memories through written recollection inside a series of field guides I rescued from the dumpster. After a book contains someone's story, I relocate the pamphlet for someone new to find continuing the stories journey.
paper, ink, variety of vegetable and herb seed
3.25" x 5.5"
2015 - ongoing
This packet of seeds was an exploration on the contents of a book, a story to be. The instructions served as the outline for the tale. Participants were asked to follow the guidelines, and serve a dinner consisting of what they grew themselves. Those experiences were to become the story.